Get our popular Young Ocean Explorers - Love Our Ocean Book or TV series on DVD for your classroom or home!

The book, inspired by the popular TV series, features spectacular imagery by award-winning photographer Richard Robinson. It opens up a whole new world, bringing us face to face with the beauty and strangeness of the underwater realm in a quality never seen before.

Learn to Draw
Interviews with Experts
Hauraki Gulf
YOE adventures
Sea of Hope
SeaLegacy's Sea of Hope episode
Riley can't find the ocean here!
How can blind dolphins catch fish?
Name this marine pest
How do we stop spreading marine pests
Does this important job surprise you?
What is a kelp forest?
A swimming crab, WHAT?
What is it like to save an orca?
Why is plastic so bad for sea creatures?
Riley finds where the baby fish live
How do stingrays swim?
What do seabirds do?
What sea animal eats like a cow?
Why shouldn’t we buy tortoiseshell?
Name a NZ marine pest
How did fur seals get their name?
Hope Stories: Replacing coffee cups
Stingray Dad jokes
Whale expert Nan Hauser answers our questions
Is anything scared of a dolphin?
William Trubridge answers our questions
Meet the bravest fish in the ocean!
What's great about the striped marlin?
Disappearing sea life?
How does a dolphin move?
If a ray stops swimming will it ...
How many eggs does this huge fish lay?
Rochelle Constantine answers our questions
What’s a seabird flyway?
How can fur seals hold their breaths?
How long do Māui dolphins live for?
Little blue penguin eggs
Most common dolphin?
How do slow down zones work?
What is a slow down zone?
Places to protect our sea life
Mangōpare - Hammerhead shark
Which is the coolest island in the Hauraki Gulf?
How 2 Hongi
Hope Stories - 1+A Day
Name your favourite sea bird
How many species of turtles?
Favourite marine reserve?
An apex predator is ...
Riley searches for crayfish
Fantastic Wheke facts!