Get our free YOE Explore the Gulf App!

You'll be transported to the beautiful Hauraki Gulf - learning about many of the magnificent creatures that live there like Orca, Sharks and Dolphins.


You can also find the App by searching for "YOE - Explore the Gulf" in the App store on your device.

YOE - Explore the Gulf

Load the App onto your Apple device and add some cool multimedia features to your printed posters:

Riley with posters

Don't have a poster?

You can download the 2017 and 2018 posters here:

Learn to Draw
Interviews with Experts
Hauraki Gulf
YOE adventures
Sea of Hope
SeaLegacy's Sea of Hope episode
Riley can't find the ocean here!
Learn to Draw - Common Dolphin
What is orca chocolate?
How far do black petrels fly?
Learn to draw - Crayfish
Snorkelled in a marine reserve?
Who can set up a marine park?
Learn to Draw - Great White
Meet the bravest fish in the ocean!
Will you help save the Māui dolphin?
Does the slow down zone work?
How long do Māui dolphins live for?
Clarke Gayford answers our questions
What does a dolphins sonar tell them?
Learn to Draw - Bronze Whaler
Annoying species
Meet a UFO!
What food would a turtle serve you at dinner?
Why is plastic so bad for sea creatures?
Why make friends with a killer whale?
Hope Stories - 1+A Day
What is a Marine Reserve?
Chicks in the Hauraki Gulf?
How does a dolphin move?
Why is biosecurity important?
Goat Island
Name the Māui dolphins cousin
Kaitiakitanga - Community story
Crayfish Dad jokes
If a ray stops swimming will it ...
An apex predator is ...
What sea animal eats like a cow?
Places to protect our sea life
What is an apex predator?
What is a Marine Reserve?
What does a shark eat?
Riley's dolphin adventure
The incredible Hauraki Gulf
NZ’s first nature reserve?
What are zooplankton?
Eudyptula, what?
Which fish's poo makes sand?
Love Our Sea song for ECEs
Fish Dad jokes #1
Fish Dad jokes #2
Learn to Draw - Eagle Ray
Riley visits a marine reserve!